The following is an article published by Fast Company written by Katharine Schwab, an associate editor from New York. She writes in the Fast Company article: “It’s undeniable that humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels needs to change if we are going to mitigate the disastrous impact of climate change. One of the best alternative energy sources is solar power because it is so plentiful–to meet the Earth’s current energy needs, we would only need .025% of the energy the sun emits every year. It’s also cheap: If you can put the infrastructure in place to collect and store it, the solar energy itself is free.”
The following is an article published by Freightabase. It depicts clear and concisely the Blockchain solution we have build to explore the use of Blockchain for the assurance and safety of critical infrastructure and drive new business models for the global maritime industry.
The following is an article published by and writes about a new experiment that our CEO has created that allows you to play Monopoly on the Blockchain. It writes: “In his study, Blocktech IVS Founder and CEO Thorkild Grothe-Møller mixes innovative protocols with a classic board game that operates on the principles of basic economics.”